Wednesday, November 7, 2012

lets look throo are dokuments...

i got back to base i said "thanks for giveing me the ride Max im going to check the The Dark Digivolution of DGW hear!" Max said "ok give me your reeport later!" i said "ok!" and i went over to my desk and opened the file up i said "these shows the way of the so bad conspirasy with evil guys in the Digi World with DGW to make him so powerfuller!" and i looked throo them dokuments and i saw how it hapened a digi guy traveled to reel not digi times and wentto the Time River and than looked for a time wiith a reely so power guy and saw Gorje Wahingtun and so currupted him with Dark Digivolution and the guy from the Digi World is going to use DGW to take the reel world over!  we have to stop to him! we also need to figgur out hoo in the Digi World did this i bet its the guy for spirisying with ADG as seen on hear:
i roted up my reeport on all of this and gave it too Max Max said "ok good job now your nekst assinement for fiteing DGW it is-" but than a so loud voise came into are eers it said "its better to beeing alone then bad compney and your bad compney so die!" Max said "howd he find us hear in our base!" and than the wall of the base sploded and we saw DGW thier and i took a pickchure hear he is:
a groop of spys took out there side handguns shot up at DGW but the bulletes bounsed of him and he blasted Digi Dark Blast at them and killed them all and i said "Max and the rest of the spys take cover and keep DGW back wile i get my eqwuipment!" and i ran to get my stuff and i came back and chardged at DGW with my EBN and he put up a sheeld and blocked my assalt and than stabed at me with his pyure enurgy blade and i dodged and tryed to attack to him but he jumped out of the way and said "the time is neer us in now times to deeside wether you will be freeman or blasted you to deth!" and he formed his dark enurgy hand to be a enurgy masheen gun and blasted all over the plase of the base and kiled of some of the spys and i went so rager and stabed so hard that i broke his sheeld but also my EBN and than i tryed to shoot to him but his Dark Digi Aura deflected them bulletes and said "happynes and moral dutee nunseperably connekted and its my moral dutee to kill you and take back my dokuments to make me happie hahahahha!" and he blasted me so far back and he thote i was ded bicause i was hurt so bad too no moveing from me and he walked up too Max and grabed him by his throte and said "give me the dokuments!" Max said "there over thier!" and than DGW stabed Max in the stomak and chest and said "its better to be ofering no ekscuse then bad one but you gave good one stil bad for you hahahhahaha!" and i yelled "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" but in my mind bicause i was so hurt i culdent moove my mouth and than DGW got his dokuments and blew the plase roove up and crushed all the spys to deth but me i stayed alive but traped under rubbel and than i weant nunconshus.......

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