Tuesday, November 6, 2012

in the torture chamber room of the prison that Dark Gorje Washingtun put me in

i yelled out in so many pane "AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH" bicause of there torture devises but geting capchured by Dark Gorje Washingtun or from now nown to be DGW bicause im sick of riteing his name out everytime hahahahahha was part of my plan i now that there tortchure room was next to a top sekret plan room of DGW so i had to go throo the pane and the torturer guy used his tortcure devise agen
and i said "TTTTHHHHAAAATTTT HHHUUUURRRRTTTSSS" and tortchurer said "are you as so evil spie for the Britsh!" and he used it agen and i yelleed "OOOWWWW!!" and he said "im going  to ask agen dumb guy are you a snipper spie for the Brittish!" and he got me with the torturer masheen agen and i yelled "OOOOOUUUUUUCCCCCHHHH" and than i spit blood onto him and said "hahahhaha hoos stooped ive told you for millions of times im not a Bretish spie?" and he used the masheen agen and i yelled "AAAAAAHHHHHHH" and he said "whyd you trie to kill are Comending Cheef Guy Gorje Washingtun than?" and i said "hes Digi Dark Evil but you dont under stand that hahahhahah!" and he tortured me agen and i said "YYYYOOOOUUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!!" and the torturer was about to ask me the same dumb ol qwestshuns agen but than DGW his self came in and said "tortchurer guy you can go i want to be talking to the prisonur..." and the tortchurer left and DGW said "hahhaha youre a strong cookey to be craking hahhaha" and i said "well if you could tell me how you became Digi Dark Digivoluted we wouldent have to do this hahahhahhahaha!" and than DGW stoped looookeing nise and started lookeing evil agen and he made a enurgey blade from thin nothing and stabed me and i couffed blood all over of the plase and he said "thats none of your bisness how i got my powers now tell me hoo you are and why you want to kill me if your not Britesh..." and than i said "ok i need a day to think of if i want to anser..." and DGW said "ok hahahahahha you can have a day... but that is it hahahhhaha after that ill just kill you bicause i dont care that much hahahahahhaa!!" and DGW and the tortchurer left and i said "finallie i can get to work" and i used a top sekret Slenderressistanse devise called the Helping Stuff Mateerieliser and made the thing that i had stored in it appeer into my hands and it was a lockpick anyway the way that the Helping Stuff Mateerieliser works is it downloads things from other plases and puts them into your hands and so i lockpicked the handcufs on me and than the door of the tortchureing room and on the other side of the door was the gard and he turned around and i had the elument of supprise and i snapped hi sneck into so peeses and than i went over to the closet nekst to the room the gard was in and in it was my stuff that was taken including my backpack of helpfull stuff and my EBN and my snipper riffel and my bulleteproove armer for danjerus feeld misshuns and my desert eegel handgun for if i need to shoot and its silensed and i grabed all my stuff and i took out a first ade kit from my backpack and heeled my woonds than i went over to DGW sekret docuements room... i was in the hallway to the room and i saw a gard thier in frunt of the door and i snuck up to him and stabed him with my EBN and than i picked the lock to the room and i draged the corps bodie in with me and i locked the door beehind me and looked around...

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