Thursday, April 11, 2013

comeing back and finding the digisploded bodey of slenderspy

i said to Digislayer and Alex Spectre and Showtime the Beast and Digizeke Digistrahm Me and Max Stanforth and now also DigiFisk! "i havnet herd from slenderspy in so long tiems and so i need to check on him in revolushunairy times by guys oh and call to me if you get an update for us going to the digipentagon!" i made a timespacedigi portal to the revolushunairy times of the past and came to a fort of DGW beeing in i said "wow sobad damedge to it like a big fite going on!" i went into the fort and under the rubbel of it was so sploded burned SlenderSpy bodey and i said "oh no!" and he was ded and nun liveing than i herd "hahahahhaha i killed the so stooped guy hoo thote for killing me!" and i sed "why did you do that and nown kill SlenderSpy?" DGW said he attaked me dont you reed his blog" i said "no one does!" and than i so powered up to digivoluted form bio hibrid form "ahhahahhah havnet fote so long digimonths  lets do it! youll pay for killing him" and i chardged forwerd and said "digi mega hurter attak!" and smashed him with my digi power and he was in an digi crater and jumped out "if no more freedum of speech dum and silent we led like ALEXSHELPERs to a slotter. megadark digiblast!" he blasted at me but my digiaura stoped it in its traks...

more comeing later.....

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